Smitty’s Cocks.
Woodengravings by Leonard Baskin. With an Introduction
by Carol J. Blinn. Original label by Harold McGrath, tipped-in.
collection of eight unique cocks, drawn and cut for the use of Sally
and Lou Smith in their glass and framing business in Northampton,
Massachusetts (during the years of 1955-1974). The friendship between
the Smiths and Baskin was legendary and fruitful. These special
images adorned the letterheads, the billheads and most importantly,
they were used on framing labels that graced each piece of artwork
framed at the shop. These blocks now reside with Perry Smith, owner
of Smith Glass, who continues the family tradition of appreciating
fine art and printmaking in the course of his business and personal
5 by 7 inches high; 27 pages; letterpress printed
directly from the blocks; the type is Spectrum and the paper is
Hahnemuhle’s Biblio; hand bound with red silky cloth over
boards with a two-color printed label on front and spine; an original
framing label printed by Baskin’s printer, Harold McGrath,
is also tipped-in.
First edition of 200 copies; signed by Baskin,
McGrath, Perry Smith and Blinn.
