Over the past thirty years I have been privileged to
be invited to speak
about my working life. One of my favorite activities
in grade school was show-and-tell. Lecturing about what
I love best in my adult life brings back that early pleasure.
Lectures generally take the form of speeches, most often
accompanied with slides. A partial list of colleges, universities
other venues where I have lectured, are listed below.
Watkinson Library, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut
Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont, Burlington,
Lucy Scribner Library, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs,
New York
King Library, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Schaffer Library, Union College, Schenectady, New York
Heritage of the Graphic Arts Series, New York Public
The Society of Printers, Boston
Wayzgoose Lecturer, Yale University
Bronxville Public Library, Bronxville, New York
The Typhophiles, New York City
Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts
Wells College, Aurora, New York
Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Connecticut
Amherst Regional High School, Amherst, Massachusetts
first method of coloring paper that I learned when apprenticing
in letterpress printing was decorative paste paper. I
have been making and using these papers in my work for over
thirty years and the papers never cease to give me pleasure.
I also use stenciling, line drawings and
linoleum cuts. Health issues have curtailed my use of linoleum
or wood cutting tools so I now stick to methods that do
not tax my hands and wrists. I offer two workshops, one
in decorative paste paper and a second in stenciling.
Workshops can be as simple or as in depth as the host prefers,
but I enjoy sharing examples, often historical in nature,
of different papers. Students, amateur or professional
alike, should come prepared to work, to play, and to take
away new techniques for use in their own work.
At the Wells College Book Arts Center workshop
in April 2005, participant
Barbara Galli paints a second color onto her pasted sheet
with a foam brush.
At right, a participant draws a comb through paste. |
Nancy Gil experiments with a comb (left) to make ribbons
of light, and a wide comb (right) to make floral patterns. |
Colors and combs create a bold sheet of decorated
sheets drying on newspaper. After working with the paste
technique for some hours, students begin to get in the
'groove' and produce marvelously inventive and colorful
a participant at Wells, begins using a bone folder to flatten
his sheets for applying a second round of colored paste.