Remembering Sherwood Grover/California Type Man
Introduction by Carol J. Blinn
Text of letters between Sherwood and Carol
In 2010, the Fine Press Book Association's journal Parenthesis 19 was going to focus on California printers. I had been acquainted with a marvelous printer, Sherwood Grover, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to make a book in his honor. We corresponded for some years after I left my job in trade publishing and he was thrilled that I ended up a letterpress printer. Rereading these letters were a real treat and I hoped others who knew him might enjoy hearing his voice once again. Included are several copies of Sherwood's printed pieces as well.
One hundred and sixty-four copies were designed by Carol, digitally printed, and sewn into a Thai paper wrapper. One hundred and fourteen of copies were donated for inclusion in deluxe copies of Parenthesis 19. Carol's standing order patrons' copies had two more tip-ins included in their books.
164 copies; 7 1/4 by 10 1/2 inches high; 17 pages; signed by Carol
$ 80.00each, postpaid (MA residents add 6.25% sales tax)
