Paper Girls
by Carol Blinn
Illustrated by Julia Richter Poole
This second memoir written by Carol about her relationship with her mother(the first being The Bear Box), Paper Girls shows readers two charming watercolors by Julia Poole and the story behind them. Carol places herself squarely in the middle of her mother’s world and muses on their differences and similarities.
12 pages; 5 by 6 1/2 inches high; 112 copies were donated for inclusion in Parenthesis 17, the journal of The Fine Press Book Association; 43 are for sale from the Press; the typeface is Minion Pro printed by letterpress and the two watercolors have been digitally reproduced and tipped-in. The cover mouse was drawn, printed, and handcolored by Carol. The cover stock is a mouldmade sheet from France.
$70.00 each, postpaid (MA residents add 6.25% sales tax)
