On the Fritz: Living with Hot Flashes
By Carol J. Blinn
With Explanatory Mouse Drawings by the Author
On the Fritz is my personal story of frustration and eventual coming to terms with years of flashing. My tips and admonitions about what clothes to wear, how to ride in cars, the use of strategically placed fans, and other tidbits will help any woman stand up to her own hot flashes and not exactly conquer them, but put them into perspective. With humor and lots of common sense, I tell women how to weather hot flashes and live an almost normal, cooler life.
Buy this book for your partner, your wife, your mother, your sweetheart, your cousin, your colleague, your aunt, your grandmother, or anyone else you can think of who is going through menopause or will go through it in the future. If you are a male reading this, it could help your relationship as well. You'll be more understanding of the issues women face and maybe rack up some points along the way for being 'sensitive.' My advice might even save a marriage!
Open edition
Designed, digitally printed, illustrated, and hand paperbound by Carol; 36 color illustrations; 5 1/2 by 8 inches high; 36 pages; signed by Carol
$ 20.00 each, postpaid (MA residents add 6.25% sales tax)