On Death and Dyeing with an E
Text and Illustrations by Carol J. Blinn
The spring of 2011 was an eventful one - filled with happiness and great sorrow. It became clear in the early summer that I needed to find a way to make peace with some personal sadness and so I began dyeing Japanese papers. As my enthusiasm grew, so did my pile of papers - colored with dyes named indigo, leaf green, tobacco, ultramarine, madder purple, bergamot yellow. Doing this work opened up a whole new way of making art and ultimately, making books. This is the story of how these papers came into being and what I hope I'll be exploring in more depth in future Warwick Press work.
This is the second in my series of essays on the book arts. Open digital edition, fifty copies originally produced.
Designed by Carol and illustrated with two hand colored line drawings, two digital reproductions tipped-in, and one original dyed sample.
50 copies; 5 1/2 by 8 inches high; 20 pages; signed by Carol copies; 5 by 6 5/8 inches high; 11 pages; 2 colored tip-ins; signed by Carol
$ 35.00 each, postpaid (MA residents add 6.25% sales tax)
